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RUU Perlindungan Data Pribadi dan Monetisasi Jejak Digital Pengguna – Dalam Rapat Paripurna, DPR memutuskan pembahasan RUU Perlindungan Data Pribadi (PDP) diperpanjang (22/6/2021). Ini adalah momen bagi kita untuk menelisik lebih dalam isu dan muatan RUU tersebut. UU ini sangat penting bagi kita, di saat ekonomi digital Indonesia tumbuh eksponensial.
Google dan Temasek (2020) melaporkan, pengguna e-commerce Indonesia meningkat 37 persen karena pandemi
RUU Perlindungan Data Pribadi Ditargetkan Disahkan Pada 16 Juli – Jakarta: Pembahasan Rancangan Undang-Undang Perlindungan Data Pribadi diperpanjang. Pembahasan beleid tersebut diharapkan rampung sebelum penutupan Masa Sidang V Tahun 2020-2021 pada 16 Juli 2021.
“Panja (Panitia Kerja) Komisi I dan panja pemerintah berkomitmen mengawal sampai ke Badan Legislasi, sehingga harapannya bisa selesai sebelum 14 Juli 2021
Nanotechnology and Its Legal and Social Implications
Nanotechnology is the next industrial revolution after internet and the wave of the future. Countries around the world have been investing huge and thousands of consumer products containing nanomaterial are already in the market. However, industries are apparently more inclined to generate revenue ignoring societal concerns, which may have serious negative impact.
Should Algorithmic Decision-Making Be Regulated?
Algorithmic decision making is the use of knowledge generated by algorithms to make or inform decisions (Yeung, 2018:507). Example of algorithmic decision making is analyzing the likelihood of success of a new hire based on their resume.
Algorithmic decision making has several branches, but it can be distinguished between…
Electronic Contracts, the Malaysian Perspective
Abstract – Malaysia has provided numerous laws years ago to support the ICT developments. However, the adequacy of these laws are challenged. For instance, e-commerce law of Malaysia has been enacted many years back through different statutes. This study examines the adequacy of the Electronic Commerce Act of Malaysia as a case study to find out whether the present laws are comprehensive enough to support the…
Nanotechnology: Sketching the Next Big Thing in Malaysian Context
Realizing the limitless prospects of nanotechnology, many countries in the world, irrespective of size and economy, have been investing and allocating considerable amount of funding. Innovative initiatives are also taken at both public and private sphere. Over the years, Malaysia has successfully established its competence in electrical and electronic, and chemical sectors, where nanotechnology is very prospective. The government of
A Historical Overview of Nuclear Energy Regulations in ASEAN
The consistent rise in the prices of oil, coal, fossil fuels and on the other, the lack of natural gas reserves has indicated the struggle of ASEAN for energy demand, which is eventually going to persist in future. Consequently, due to the scarcity of fossil fuels, oil and natural gas resource, nuclear energy surfaces as a palatable strategic option for ASEAN’s future development agenda. However, a successful nuclear power program entails an
Formation of e-Contracts under Iranian Electronic Commerce Act
The time and place of formation of a contract comprise significant legal effects under the law of contracts. In case of electronic contracts, the determination of time and place of dispatch and receipt of an electronic message plays a significant role to determine the time and place of formation. The Electronic Commerce Act of Iran provides a number of provisions concerning the formation stage. The modification of the dispatch
Can Artificial Intelligence Technology Replace Judges in Deciding Legal Matters?
The rapid development of artificial intelligence technology has led to predictions about the decline in the functions of many established professions, including that of the profession of judges. This paper questions whether such technology can substitute judges in deciding legal matters. Artificial intelligence technology assumes there are general patterns that will treat the same way for cases with similar characteristics (similia similibus).
Energy Revolution for Our Common Future: An Evaluation of the Emerging International Renewable Energy Law
Climate change poses profound threats to the Earth and its people. Its mitigation, therefore, demands common but differentiated actions with comprehensive and coordinated approach. The global community has pledged to mitigate various greenhouse gases in some international soft law instruments. Exploitation of renewables to generate energy
Pelatihan DPO Bersertifikat 2024
Pelatihan Pejabat Pelindungan Data Pribadi Bersertifikat 2024. Klik di sini untuk informasi lengkapnya.