Blog dan Berita

Legal and Regulatory Development of Nuclear Energy in Bangladesh

The adequacy of legal and regulatory framework relating to nuclear energy in Bangladesh has sparked many questions since the government took the formal decision to establish a nuclear power plant (NPP) at Rooppur. Consequently, the government has taken some measures to make a comprehensive and robust framework to ensure safe and secure nuclear energy production in the country.

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Evaluating ASEAN E-commerce Laws Using Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making

An evaluation of the ASEAN Electronic Commerce Acts (ECAs) is a specific primary step toward their harmonization. This evaluation is complex due to multiple criteria and uncertain information, especially in the case of electronic contracts. This study aims to evaluate and rank the ECAs of the ASEAN countries using a fuzzy multi-criteria decision making method. Seven criteria are determined for the evaluation of ASEAN ECAs.

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Using Static Concentrator Technology to Achieve Global Energy Goal

Solar energy has demonstrated promising prospects in satisfying energy requirements, specifically through solar photovoltaic (PV) technology. Despite that, the cost of installation is deemed as the main hurdle to the widespread uptake of solar PV systems due to the use of expensive PV material in the module. At this point, we argue that a reduction in PV cost could be achieved through the usage of concentrator

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Pelatihan DPO Bersertifikat 2024

20-22 Agustus 2024 – Pelatihan Pejabat Pelindungan Data Pribadi Bersertifikat. Klik di sini untuk informasi lengkapnya.

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