— Jakarta: The Personal Data Protection Bill (RUU PDP) can be ratified into law in September 2022 at the latest following the House of Representatives' (DPR's) session during the August-September 2022 period, a senior legislator stated.
In the midst of digital transformation, ratification of the RUU PDP is deemed crucial, given that it involves the matter of the people's data and privacy in the country, DPR Commission I Head Meutya Hafid noted.
This is especially important amid the emergence of cases of data leak and theft in various online services, she told reporters here on Friday.
Hence, its existence becomes increasingly important, so that there are stronger and binding regulations in place to address this issue, she remarked.
Earlier, discussion on RUU PDP was delayed due to differences in opinion between DPR and the government, specifically the Communication and Informatics Ministry as an institution monitoring the practice of personal data protection in Indonesia.
The DPR seeks to have in place a special independent institution to handle the issue of Personal Data Protection in order to maintain neutrality.
However, the government seeks to have that institution to work under the command of the ministry, with the hopes that handling personal data protection violation cases can become more efficient.
However, it would appear that a solution was found to this issue which means there will be a monitoring institution that can ensure the success of the data protection practice in the country.
Hafid also believes that the data protection institution will deliver strong performance.
Communication and Informatics Minister Johnny G. Plate also expects that the RUU PDP can be ratified in 2022, so that the personal data protection practice for Indonesians can be more optimal.
Livia K, Fadhli Ruhman. “Personal Data Protection Bill's Ratification in September: DPR” 20 Agustus 2022